Xport Trunk Bike Rack Manual

  1. A trunk bike rack from Thule lets you and your friends or family take your bikes with you wherever you go – and still leave space for carrying gear on the roof if space is tight. Our trunk mount bike racks carry up to 3 bikes, while some models even have room for 4. Let us help you find the trunk bike rack that’s perfect for you and your bikes.
  2. Position the pads inside the trunk with the straps hanging free. Before closIng the trunK: Be sure the pads are free from contact between trunk door and vehicle’s frame. Attach the top strap hooks to hold the carrier as you continue.ClOse the truNK.pull firmly on the straps to seat the pads. Remove the caRRieR fRom the caR.

Xport Bike Rack Parts

1033359E - 1/24 Part #1033359 Rev.E Important warnIng It Is crItIcal that all yakIma racks and accessorIes be properly and securely attached to your vehIcle.Improper attachment could result In an automobIle accIdent, and could cause serIous bodIly Injury or death to you or to others. You are responsIble for securIng the racks and accessorIes to your car, checkIng the attachments prIor to use. So I d get a trunk mount and hope for the best. Performance s XPORT Porter Trunk Rack ($60; www.performancebike.com) is pretty much as its name implies a two-bike rack that attaches to a sedan.


Car Trunk Bike Racks

Xport 4 bike hitch rack

Bell Trunk Bike Rack

Xport 4 bike hitch rack

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