Sims 4 Teen Woohoo Mod

Page last updated on 27 August 2016.


Download: NRaasSettings_Woohooer_2016-08-27.package

So, I have everything for all ages romance enabled in WW, and I can use romantic social interactions, as well as the WW interactions between my teen and young adult sim, but the vanilla woohoo options arent there for teens. I believe this was available before, not sure if maybe a patch or somethi. Help with my mods or sims 4 in general–Discord I found one mod other than INTEEN that allowed for teens to be romantically involved with Young Adult and Adult Sims. You can find that mod HERE This mod has not been updated since May 2016 and reports in the comments say it is broke. If you enjoyed please leave a Like & Share to help support me 🌟 Join me in my Funny Adventures & Subscribe to become a Myster today!: Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu: I've made a page on The Sims 4 Star Wars Game Pack: Journey to Batuu. I've kept my opinion about the pack separate. New - Secrets I have a new guide to secrets in the game. If you prefer, you can also watch a video about secrets in Sims 4. Nifty Knitting Stuff: Learn about Nifty Knitting Stuff.


City Hall/Computer > NRaas > Woohooer >

General >

  • Enforce Privacy = True
    (Forces all sims to make other sims leave the room before they woohoo.)
  • Link To Story Progression = False
    (Prevents this mod from checking the settings in the NRaas Story Progression mod, before any type of Friendly or Romantic interaction is performed.)
  • Matchmaker Only Lists Residents = True
    (Ensures only sims that live in town are displayed in the Matchmaker listing.)
  • Species: Cat/Dog > Maximum Household Size For Autonomous = 3
    (Limits the maximum amount of cats & dogs allowed in a single household to 3, when autonomously trying for a baby.)
  • Species: Cat/Dog > Must Be Romantic For Autonomous = False
    (Allows cats & dogs to woohoo without having a romantic interest or greater relationship.)
  • Species: Horse > Maximum Household Size For Autonomous = 3
    (Limits the maximum amount of horses allowed in a single household to 3, when autonomously trying for a baby.)
  • Species: Horse > Must Be Romantic For Autonomous = False
    (Allows horses to woohoo without having a romantic interest or greater relationship.)
  • Species: Human > Maximum Household Size For Autonomous = 5
    (Limits the maximum amount of human sims allowed in a single household to 5, when autonomously trying for a baby.)
  • Switch To Everyday After Naked Woohoo = True
    (Forces a sim to change into their everyday outfit rather than sleepwear, when leaving the room after naked woohoo.)
  • Unlock Actions For Teenagers = True
    (Unlocks certain non-romance related interactions for teens, such as ‘Take Romantic Photo With’, ‘Play Juice Pong’ & ‘Harvest Plant Sim’.)

Risky >

  • Autonomous Risky Teen = True
    (Allows teens to autonomously perform risky woohoo interactions. This option only appears in the menu after “Autonomous Risky” & “Allow Teen Woohoo” has been set to True & “Risky Baby Success Rate” has been set to more than 0.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Allow Autonomous Off Active Lot = True
    (Allows cats, dogs & horses to perform autonomous risky woohoo interactions when they are not on the active home-lot.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Autonomous Risky = True
    (Allows cats, dogs & horses to perform autonomous risky woohoo interactions.)
  • Species:Human > Autonomous Risky = True
    (Allows human adult sims to perform autonomous risky woohoo interactions.)
  • Species:Human > Risky Baby Success Rate = 3
    (Reduces the percentage chance, that a risky woohoo interaction for a human adult sim will conceive a child, to 3%.)
  • Species:Human > Risky Base Chance Scoring = 0
    (Reduces the chance, prior to trait-scoring, that a human adult sim will be interested in performing risky woohoo, to 0%. This means that a human adult sims’ decision to perform risky woohoo, is based entirely on their traits.)

Romance >

  • Interaction Level: Married = Spouse
    (Allows a married sim to autonomously flirt with their spouse only, which therefore prevents them from flirting with any other sim.)
  • Interaction Level: Romance = Any Romantic
    (Allows an unmarried sim to autonomously flirt with sims in steady relationships and unmarried sims but prevents them from flirting with married sims.)

Sims 4 Teen Woohoo Mods

ModSims 4 teen woohoo mod sims 4
  • Interaction Level: Steady = Any Romantic
    (Allows a sim in a steady relationship to autonomously flirt with other sims in steady relationships and unmarried sims but prevents them from flirting with married sims.)
  • My Love Buff Level = Any Romantic
    (Allows the My Love buff moodlet to appear when there is any romantic interest between sims. This also allows the ‘Massage’ interaction to be displayed in the menu by default.)
  • Partnering Interaction Level = Any Romantic
    (Allows the Go Steady and Propose Marriage interactions to appear on the menu at any romantic interest level.)
  • Remove Romance On Kiss = True
    (Prevents the standing social 'Kiss’ interaction, from adding the Romantic Interest relationship status.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Allow Autonomous Near Relation Romance = True
    (Allows autonomous romantic interactions for closely related cats, dogs & horses.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Allow Near Relation Romance = True
    (Allows romantic interactions for closely related cats, dogs & horses.)
  • Species:Human > Romance Base Chance Scoring = 0
    (Reduces the base chance, prior to trait-scoring, that a human sim will be interested in performing a romantic social interaction, to 0%. This means that a sims decision to perform a romantic social interaction, is based entirely on their traits.)

Skinny Dip >

  • Allow Teen Skinny Dip = True
    (Allows teens to skinny dip.)

Try For Baby >

  • Autonomous Teen Try For Baby = True
    (Allows teens to autonomously try for a baby. Note: This interaction is hidden until “Autonomous Try For Baby” in the Species:Human section, is set to “True”. If it still doesn’t appear, exit the Woohooer menu and go back into it again.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Allow Same Sex Try For Baby = False
    (Prevents cats, dogs & horses of the same gender from trying for a baby.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Autonomous Try For Baby = True
    (Allows cats, dogs & horses to autonomously try for a baby.)
  • Species:Human > Allow Autonomous Off Active Lot = False
    (Prevents human sims from autonomously trying for a baby when they are not on the home-lot.)
  • Species:Human > Allow Same Sex Try For Baby = False
    (Prevents the “Try For Baby” interaction from appearing for same-sex couples.)
  • Species:Human > Autonomous Try For Baby = True
    (Allows human adult sims to autonomously try for a baby.)
  • Species:Human > Try For Baby Base Chance Scoring = 0
    (Reduces the base chance, prior to trait-scoring, of an adult sim being interested in performing an autonomous try for baby interaction to 0%. This means that a sims decision to try for a baby is based entirely on their traits.)
  • Species:Human > Try For Baby Base Chance Scoring: Teen = 0
    (Reduces the base chance, prior to trait-scoring, of a teen sim being interested in performing an autonomous try for baby interaction to 0%. This means that a teen sims decision to try for a baby is based entirely on their traits.)

Woohoo >

  • Allow Teen Woohoo = True
    (Allows a teen sim to woohoo with another teen sim, both autonomously and by user-direction.)
  • Allow Teen-Adult Woohoo = True
    (Allows a teen sim to woohoo with an adult sim, both autonomously and by user-direction.)
  • Apply Stride of Pride = False
    (Prevents the stride of pride walk moodlet from being applied to a sim after a successful woohoo interaction.)
  • Interaction Level = Any Romantic
    (Allows the woohoo interaction to appear only when the relationship between two sims has reached any romantic level.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Allow Autonomous Near Relation Woohoo = True
    (Allows autonomous woohoo interactions for closely related cats, dogs & horses.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Allow Near Relation Woohoo = True
    (Allows user-directed woohoo interactions for closely related cats, dogs & horses.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Autonomous Woohoo = True
    (Allows autonomous woohoo interactions for cats, dogs & horses.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Cooldown Between Woohoos = 720
    (Sets the time between autonomous woohoos for cats, dogs & horses, to 720 sim-minutes which is equal to 12 sim-hours or half a sim-day.)
  • Species:Cat/Dog/Horse > Force Pet Mating = False
    (Prevents the married relationship from being forced on animals that woohoo.)
  • Species:Human > Autonomous Woohoo = True
    (Allows human sims to autonomously woohoo.)
  • Species:Human > Cooldown Between Woohoos = 1440
    (Sets the time between autonomous woohoos for human sims, to 1440 sim-minutes which is equal to 24 sim-hours or one sim-day.)
  • Species:Human > Woohoo Base Chance Scoring = 0
    (Reduces the base chance, prior to trait-scoring, of an adult sim being interested in performing an autonomous woohoo interaction to 0%. This means that an adult sims decision to woohoo is based entirely on their traits.)
Sims 4 Teen Woohoo ModSims 4 Teen Woohoo Mod

Sims 4 Teen Woohoo Mod Pack

Sims 4 Pregnancy Mods - Best For Teen Pregnancy Download Now

supports polygamy - just marry active sim with another sim, that already married and you will receive a 'Couple' with 3 sims! Terminate - stops the pregnancy. Enable/Disable Children Can Quit School. There's 15 different time options to choose from, going from 1 day to 147 Sim days. Your vampire's energy bar will be depleted (Bewared for death if outside) Your vampire's energy bar will be maxed out. Now, click on MC Woohoo, then Woohoo actions and then click on allow teens option and enable. If you want to have multiple babies, then use the cheat below. 5 Longer/Shorter Pregnancy A pregnancy in the regular The Sims 4 game goes by super fast. The only issue is that same sex couples don't have the opportunity to conceive. Not only do Sims get photos of the ultrasounds, but they'll also gain crucial information. Also note that if a child resumes school, they will be at a low grade-point and will have to work their way back-up to whatever their grade was previously. Pause pregnancy for all sims in the game. Default value is 3 slot counts for auto save.

Sims 4 premature baby download mod


Whether they have food poisoning or they're pregnant, only time or a pregnancy test will tell. Teleport sim near active sim - will teleport selected sim to your sim. There is a functional, that will change Pregnancy Moods automatically and randomly for pregnant sims ( :8880/browse/idea-15 ). . You can keep them if youre going to use them or delete them if youre not. Manual Installation The zip file you downloaded should contain a package file and a zip file ending in _Script. This option allows you to make your sim's neck smaller. Option for turning off notifications for sims giving birth. and what you think about this Mod? The package file can be placed into a subfolder, however the script file must be placed directly in the Mods folder. Select ill only to know the options available. Period between auto-save is counted in - it can be, real Hour, Sim Day, Sim Hour, Sim Minute. This mod is for controlling pregnancy process. It will remember preg duration for you and will use saved value at each pregnancy, for each sim. Please, remove old versions of the plugin before install pdf of this version. Unzip both files into your Mods folder, but do not unzip the zip file ending in _Script that should end up in the Mods folder still zipped. LittleMsSam's mod, Pregnancy Overhaul, introduces a much more toned-down version of the appearance and animations of pregnant Sims. Here are a few essentials dedicated Simmers shouldn't miss out. 1 Pregnancy Mega Mod For a simple combination of the essentials, the Pregnancy Mega Mod by scumbobo and java7nerd is an ideal pick for those who just want to have a bit more control over their offspring and increase the amount of storytelling that's available. Pipe Organ and Vampire Lore.

From the patch notes: Strawberries and Pop music (one, the other, or both) seem to lead to more baby girls. Save the game and restart the game. What's cool about this mod is that it also works for any pets in the household who might be pregnant and who suddenly go into labor. Note that the 'Resume School' command also in the Sims menu on those same children are the only way for the children to go back to school. Fo/download, mC is really easy to install but if you need additional help, I have included tutorial videos just in case you need the extra help. The Sims 4 will only go one-level deep when looking for script mods. A notification of the failure will appear and the pregnancy will remain unaltered. To begin, you have to download the mod. Remove all Buffs and Moodlets from sim - Yep, it brings to you ability to delete them from your active sim ). Totally up to you. In original game process, when you change career and came back to that career after some time, minus one level will be set. Any changes and pull requests are welcome! A player can pick from angry, embarrassed, sad, tense, or uncomfortable, each with either a 1, 3, or 5 effect to your Sims' overall mood.

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Gives your active sim the Regained Humanity reward trait. Default value is:. Make them pay with the mighty sun rays! Now it's possible to save multiple carriers of sims and reload them after game reload. If you have MC command center and skip to the MC Woohoo settings below. Sims, flagged with SimNeverAutoClub will never be selected to processing in function Enable/Disable Club_MonitorMembers. Reset all your weakness but keep the power perks intact. Set Stage (for selected pregnant sim) - With this option you will be able to change Stage for any of all pregnant sims in the game. In real life, surprises take place all the time, and it can make for really great storytelling to have that same aspect of surprise in your game as well. Turn your vampire sim into a Grand Master vampire. As such it should not conflict with any other mod, even ones that modify sims pie menus. Will change household of the sim to the current household. Related: 10 The Sims 4 Mansions That more Are Too Unreal. Change Skills Section: ArtUrlWWW - Change Skills Options: Change Skills for adding skills and skills progress values for sim Switch update channel. Other functional: This mod contains embedded anticensor (Anti Mosaic functional).

System Needs:

  • Windows 7.
  • RAM of 2 GB.
  • 400 MB free space.
  • Intel i5 1.3GHz processor.

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Sims 4 premature baby download mod
Sims 4 premature baby download mod
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